

出席费用(COA): The estimated total cost of attending an institution for one academic year. This amount may include the following:

  • Estimated charges for one academic year of tuition and fees
    • 学费 – Charges assessed for classes and/or other coursework
    • Fees – Charges assessed for other college services (e.g. technology access, recreational center use)
  • 住房-包括校内学生的宿舍费用或校外学生的租金和水电费估计
  • 食物-包括膳食计划的费用和/或在家准备食物的费用估计
  • Estimated transportation and parking costs
  • Estimated costs for books, course materials, supplies, and equipment
  • Purchase or rental of a computer
  • Miscellaneous costs 如 personal hygiene, laundry, and reasonable entertainment
  • Other costs specific to certain student circumstances related to attendance, 如 dependent care during periods of class attendance or study, expenses related to disabilities, 出国留学, 教育贷款费用, 和其他人
  • 学生健康保险费用

默认值: Failure to make student loan payments or otherwise honor its terms; reported to credit bureaus and can influence future credit.

教育贷款: A form of financial aid that must be repaid. 教育贷款有不同的费用、利率、还款条款和/或借款人保护.

  • 联邦学生贷款: Federal funds made available to 学生 that must be paid back by 学生. 学生必须完成入学咨询和主本票(MPN),以获得这些贷款. 在学生停止注册至少一半的时间后六个月开始还款,并可选择延迟付款. 要符合资格,学生必须在符合条件的学习计划中至少注册一半时间.
    • Federal Direct Subsidized Student Loan: Loan funds provided to 学生 by the U.S. Department of Education, through the school. 本科 students with financial need can qualify for a subsidized loan. 当学生至少有一半的时间和在政府允许延期还款的特定时期入学时,政府支付贷款利息. There are annual limits on the amounts that may be borrowed, 根据学生在学校的学年和学生的依赖或独立状态而有所不同.
    • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Student Loan: Loan funds provided to 学生 by the U.S. Department of Education, through the school. 本科 students and graduate students regardless of their need, qualify for an unsubsidized loan, provided they have filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Interest accrual begins immediately, and 学生 can choose to pay the interest while enrolled or upon entering repayment. There are annual limits on the amounts that may be borrowed, 根据学生在学校的学年和学生的依赖或独立状态而有所不同.
    • Federal Direct 研究生 PLUS Loan: Loan funds provided to graduate students by the U.S. Department of Education, through the school. 这项联邦贷款计划允许没有不良信用记录的研究生申请贷款金额,最高可达每年的出勤费, less any other financial aid received.
    • Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan (PLUS): Loan funds provided to the parents of dependent undergraduate students by the U.S. Department of Education, through the school. 这项联邦贷款计划允许没有不良信用记录的父母申请贷款金额高达每年的就读费用, 减去收到的任何经济援助 by the dependent student. 一旦贷款全部支付,本金和利息立即开始偿还,并有一些延迟付款的选择.
  • 私人贷款: A student or parent loan from a commercial, 国家附属或机构贷款机构过去常常支付每年的学费, 减去收到的任何经济援助. Private loans have varying interest rates, fees and repayment options and usually require the applicant to be creditworthy, 或者找一个信誉良好的代销商. Repayment generally begins immediately.

注册状态: Academic workload (or course load), 由机构定义, in which a student is enrolled for a defined academic period. 这通常与学生在一个特定的学习期间所修的学分或学时有关.g. full-time, three-quarter-time, half-time, less-than-half-time).

预期直接成本: 学生/家庭直接向学院支付的费用包含在出勤费中.

Expected Family Contribution (EFC): 一个资格指数,大学财政援助人员使用它来确定如果你进入他们的学校,你将获得多少财政援助. EFC根据法律规定的公式计算,并以学生及其家庭在联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)上提供的信息为基础。.

Family Financial Responsibility (FFR): 许多学校颁发基于机构需求的奖学金和助学金,是基于更全面的家庭经济状况计算,使用CSS PROFILE或机构自己的经济援助表格提供的信息. 这可能导致比联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)可能显示的预期家庭贡献(EFC)估计更高(或更低)的数字.

联邦佩尔助学金: 联邦政府为表现出特殊经济需求且预期家庭贡献低于联邦政府规定的一定门槛的本科生提供的联邦补助金. The Pell Grant award amount is prorated based on Enrollment Status.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): 由学校颁发给有特殊经济需要的合格本科生的联邦助学金. Priority is given to Federal Pell Grant recipients.

联邦勤工俭学: 由学校提供和管理的联邦计划,为有经济需要的学生提供兼职工作的机会,以帮助他们支付教育费用. Students are responsible for finding qualified employment. Funds are paid out through a paycheck, as earned.

礼物的援助: Funds awarded to 学生 that do not have to be repaid, unless 学生 fails to meet certain criteria, 例如,作为捐赠援助的条件指定的服务要求,或未完成提供援助的期间. Gift aid can include 奖 with titles 如 grants, 奖学金, 缓解, 奖, 豁免, 等. Gift aid can be awarded based upon many factors, including (but not limited to) financial need, 学术, 运动, 音乐的, 和/或戏剧天赋, 与各种团体的联系, 和/或职业抱负.

格兰特: Gift Aid that is typically based on financial need.

收入分成协议(isa): 学生与他们的机构或私人实体签订的合同,在毕业后的一段固定时间内支付他们未来收入的一定比例,以换取他们在入学期间支付教育费用的资金.

间接成本: 不直接支付给学校的预估费用.

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG): 一项联邦助学金,用于资助父母或监护人因美国政府的债务危机而死亡的合格学生.S. military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 11, 2001. If a student is eligible for a Federal Pell Grant, he or she cannot receive an IASG.

需要: The student's Cost of Attendance minus their Expected Family Contribution, or Family Financial Responsibility (如果适用的话).

净价:Amount of direct and indirect costs remaining after all Gift Aid is applied. Net price can be covered through a variety of sources, 包括:储蓄, 收入, 还有教育贷款.

项目级别: Level of the degree-granting program in which a student is enrolled. Program levels may include: undergraduate (students seeking an associate degree, 本科毕业证书, or a baccalaureate degree); post-baccalaureate (如 teacher certification); or graduate (students working on a master's degree, 毕业证书, 博士学位, 或专业学位). The amounts and types of financial aid for which a student is eligible is determined, 在某种程度上, 按照他们的程序级别.

奖学金: Gift Aid that is typically based on merit, 如, 学术, 人才, 与各种团体的联系, or career aspirations or a combination of merit and need.

自助: 一种机构期望学生通过贷款组合为他们的教育做出贡献, student employment 如 Federal Work-Study, 和/或夏季储蓄.

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) 奖助金: Federal grants for undergraduate and graduate students, 奖励条件是在指定的高需求领域和低收入中小学提供特定的未来教学服务. If a student does not complete the required teaching service, the grant becomes a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan that must be repaid.

未满足的需求: The student's Cost of Attendance, 减去他们的预期家庭贡献或家庭经济责任(如适用), less any need-based aid received, 比如礼品援助, Federal Work-Study or Federal Direct Subsidized 贷款.

验证: 联邦政府授权的程序,以确认选定申请人在联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)上提供的数据的准确性。. To complete the verification process, 学生, 他们的父母(年代), 或配偶, 如果适用的话, are required to provide certain documents to the school for review. 如果学生提供的文件与FAFSA报告的不匹配, verification can result in changes to 学生's financial aid eligibility, 和/或经济援助.
