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William Nelson: Uplifting Students to Reach Their Goals

October 04, 2019 - 2 minute read

Will’s goal is to uplift his students, offering them more opportunities than those he was afforded early in his life. He’s a strong believer that a student’s success reaches far beyond the individual student, but also impacts the students’ family and community. The more success a student has in school, the more likely they’ll find success in their adult lives - hopefully a future with less reliance on government resources. As a teacher, principal, and now a director, Will regularly implements his dissertation research on college and career readiness and uses it as a tool to encourage his students to take risks, uplifting them to reach their goals.

Please tell us about what you consider to be one of the biggest impacts you are making/have made in one of your respective communities.

As a teacher, principal and director he’s able to make a direct impact on students. Thousands of kids going off to college to do great things. It’s an impact on the students, their families, the communities, and fiscal impacts as well. When students graduate they get better jobs and are less reliant on government resources. “We uplift people through education. Teachers help with this overall mission. We need to dig a little deeper if we are going to make a difference.”

What have you learned about the diverse needs of this community?

“All kids need someone caring, nurturing but also someone who holds them accountable so they can learn and grow.”. Will approaches each child as an individual and focuses on helping students to learn from failure and encouraging them to try and to take risks

How was your research/study as part of CUI’s EDD program helped you address the needs of this community?

Will’s dissertation was on college and career readiness. He is able to use his dissertation research daily to help impact his communities. He has many success stories of students being connected to teachers/educators who are able to pursue new and different career opportunities because of one caring teacher. Through mentorship and opportunities students can p pursue a different path from the one they are on. Will’s goal is to make that happen.

How have you used your research or experience to develop strategies to meet these needs?

As a teacher, principal and director he’s able to make a direct impact on students. Thousands of kids going off to college to do great things. It’s an impact on the students, their families, the communities, and fiscal impacts as well. When students graduate they get better jobs and are less reliant on government resources.

How has your involvement with this community impacted other areas of your life?

Will lives and breathes this. He got his dissertation done in 3 years because it was part of his daily life - work life. Now he is part of a US Congress Fellowship Program to help learn more about what is going on in other areas of education. Why? Because it makes a difference in people’s lives. Will hopes to give his kids (all of his kids) the ability to achieve a better life.

Will, your CUI family couldn’t be more proud of the work you are doing and the powerful way you are uplifting your community.

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